WNYW Heating Upgrades Phase 1
DesignTech in collaboration with Lawson Architecture created construction documents for bid and permit that included six tasks whose overall goal involves the elimination of steam heating distribution in the Fox WNYW buildings in NYC. Once bid, WNYW elected to complete Task #1, #3, #5, and #6. All work at this facility required close coordination with the building owner to ensure that the daily operations of the news facility would not be interrupted. The completed tasks are described below and are pictured above:
Task #1: Installation of the hot water converters, pumps, heating hot water piping distribution and new condensate receivers. This central task allowed all others to be completed.
Task #3: Replacement of existing AHU S-5-3. The new AHU was equipped with a hot water heating coil from the new piping distribution. This task also included the conversion of the duct distribution system from constant volume reheat to variable air volume. Replacement return and relief fans were also installed in the fifth floor mezzanine spaces. The fifth floor fresh air intake plenum steam coil was eliminated under tasks #3 and #5 and replaced with pre-heat coils in each AHU.
Task #5: Replacement of existing AHU S-8 and S-2 with a new consolidated S-8. The new AHU was equipped with a hot water heating coil from the new piping distribution. This task also included the conversion of the duct distribution system from constant volume reheat to variable air volume. Replacement return and relief fans also were installed in the main fifth floor mechanical room.
Task #6: This task is associated with tasks #3 and #5. The scope is the replacement of an electrical panel including a new transformer and associated feeders/branch circuits. The panel was not able to be modified to fit the new layout and thus was selected for replacement.