DirecTV Uplink Facilities

DesignTech provided design and construction administration services for the electrical, mechanical, plumbing and fire suppression systems for three up-link complexes located in the northwest, southwest and northeast areas of the country. The complexes are 24x7 facilities requiring fully redundant electrical and mechanical systems. Each facility is comprised of two separate buildings (primary and back up) that work in conjunction with satellite antennas at the sites. The buildings are comprised of raised floor “data center” type rooms, an office suite, and the mechanical/electrical infrastructure rooms.

The buildings range in size from 7,500 sq. ft. to 22,000 sq. ft. A typical primary building is supported by dual: 3,000 amp utility electric services, 2,000 KW stand-by generators and 500 KVA UPS units. There are approximately 300 tons of distributed cooling equipment. The cooling system consists of glycol cooled computer room type units equipped with humidity controls. The electrical distribution system includes fully redundant A/B side power distribution. It also includes main-tie-main switchgear cross connected with two utility services and two generator feeds. The fire suppression system includes dual fire pumps, FM-200 gaseous suppression systems and double interlock pre-action sprinkler systems for the critical areas.

- Construction costs: $6 million dollar MEP per complex.
- Areas for facilities: approximately 27,000 sq. ft. per complex.
- Fast track design and construction.
- Negotiated pre-purchase of critical long lead electrical and mechanical equipment.